140 research outputs found


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    Cyber-Terrorism in The Context of Proselytizing, Coordination, Security, and Mobility

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    The simplicity and flexibility of information and technology have made human life much easier. Terrorist groups nowadays have been using these things to disseminate terror, recruit new members, fundraise, and mobilize their activities. Technology provides terrorist group a leverage to conduct its hideous activity. Globalization eventually gives the double-edge sword that needs to be addressed by state actor regarding terrorist issues. The author used James D. Kiras’ four concepts of cyber-terrorism such as proselytizing, coordination, security, and mobility. Those four concepts are harnessed by terrorist group in modern world to achieve their interest. On the other side, the author harnessed comprehensive security from the Copenhagen School of Security Studies to analyze the threat which came from cyber-terrorism activity. The aim of this article is to analyze terrorist groups in conducting their activity based on Kiras’ four concepts of cyber-terrorism. By using Kiras’ concept in Comprehensice Security from Copenhagen School, the author aims to analyze the impact of cyber terrorism both on state and society. The author also used qualitative method as analytical tools to analyze the research problem. The author concluded that the state had to establish a rigid counter-terrorism system holistically at the domestic level without neglecting international strategic cooperation among international actors to counter this threat. Keywords: Cyber-terrorism, proselytizing, coordination, security, mobility


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    Novel Coronavirus, commonly known as Covid-19, is a new type of viral species that has been discovered in China during November 2019. As of recent, Covid-19 has been a threat and a threat to the humans. Based on research performed by scientists, the coronavirus is a type of virus that can be transmitted to humans from wild animals. The first person infected with a virus is expected to appear in the city of Wuhan, China. Initially, Covid-19 was only endemic.  Given the fact that so many people are infected with this virus, the WHO declared it a global pandemic. The Covid-19 phenomenon has gained prominence despite the danger that it presents to human life. The aim of this article is to analyze Covid-19 in the perspective of security studies. The author uses securitization concept to describe the Covid-19 phenomenon. The author used qualitative analysis methods. The author claims that the Covid-19 securitization process encourages state actors to define it as one of threat that needs to be overcame. Owing to variations in the securitization process between countries, the results are different among states. However, at one point, nation-state treated Covid-19 as a challenge to be solved. In the end, state actors need to strengthen their capabilities to stop the pandemic threat's pace.Novel Coronavirus atau yang lazim disebut dengan Covid-19 merupakan jenis virus baru yang pertama kali muncul di Tiongkok pada bulan November 2019. Semenjak kemunculannya tersebut, Covid-19 telah menjelma menjadi sebuah ancaman terhadap manusia dan telah merenggut banyak jiwa. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para ilmuwan, virus corona ini merupakan jenis virus yang bersifat zoonosis. Sebuah virus yang menular dari hewan ke manusia yang diprediksi muncul pertama kali di sebuah pasar di Wuhan, Tiongkok. Pada awalnya, Covid-19 hanya bersifat endemik. Namun seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah manusia yang terinfeksi virus ini, World Health Organization (WHO) memutuskan Covid-19 sebagai wabah pandemi global. Fenomena Covid-19 telah menarik sejumlah studi karena kemunculannya mengancam nyawa manusia. Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk meneliti fenomena Covid-19 dari perspektif studi keamanan. Penulis menggunakan konsep sekuritisasi untuk menjelaskan fenomena Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Penulis menganalisis bahwa proses sekuritisasi Covid-19 mendorong negara untuk menetapkannya menjadi sebuah ancaman. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa proses sekuritisasi di antara negara-negara berbeda satu sama lain. Namun pada satu titik, negara-negara sepakat bahwa Covid-19 merupakan ancaman yang harus ditanggulangi. Pada akhirnya, aktor negara perlu memperkuat kapabilitasnya untuk menghentikan laju ancaman pandemi tersebut


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    AbstrakPerkembangan dunia game online saat ini sudah sangat pesat. Fenomena kecanduan bermain game online diperkirakan sangat mempengaruhi prestasi belajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh bermain game online terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif yang menggunakan teknik puppossive sampling kriteria inklusi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMPN 3 Plered Cirebon dengan jumlah sampel 32 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecanduan siswa terhadap bermain game online adalah kategori sedang, nilai prestasi belajar matematika siswa paling dominan dengan interval nilai 81-85 adalah kategori baik atau predikat B. Selain itu, mayoritas pemain adalah laki-laki, penggunaan bermain game online dalam seminggu adalah 3 sampai 4 kali, alasan bermain adalah menghilangkan stress dan jenis game online yang dominan dimainkan adalah mobile legends. Berdasarkan data empirik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bermain game online berpengaruh negatif terhadap prestasi belajar matematika siswa, namun tidak signifikan, pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Kata kunci: Kecanduan Bermain, Game Online, Prestasi Belajar. AbstractNowdays the proliferation of the online gaming was phenomenal. The phenomenon of addiction to playing online games is estimated to greatly affect student achievement. This study aims to determine how much influence playing game online has on student achievement. This research was conducted using quantitative descriptive methode with puppossive sampling inclusion criteria. This research was conducted at SMPN 3 Plered Cirebon with 32 respondents. The results showed that the level of student addiction in a middle category, the most dominant value of students' mathematical feat with intervals of 81-85 was a good category or predicate B. In addition, the majority of players were male, playing game online in a week is 3 to 4 times, caused by stress relief and the game is mobile legends in general. Based on empirical data used in this study shows that playing game online has a negative effect on students' mathematical feat, but not significantly, at a significance level of 5%. Keywords:  Addiction to Play, Game Online, Learning Achievement

    The Implication of Cyberspace Towards State Geopolitics

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    Massive technological advancements have influenced many dynamics of the nation's social, political, and economic changes. Geopolitical studies, as one of the studies that investigate the interaction between political dynamics and geography, are exposed to the implications of these technological developments. At the outset of its development, geopolitical studies discussed the state's strategies and policies for gaining influence in specific areas. Geopolitics is the study of a country's boundaries. The emergence of cyberspace, along with the advancement of technology, has implications for a country's geopolitical development. Geopolitical competition takes place not only in the physical realm, but also in cyberspace. The purpose of this article is to examine the shift in the geopolitical paradigm from physical to cyberspace. The authors examine how the existence of cyberspace can have a political impact, particularly geopolitical rivalries between countries, using geopolitics and cyberspace concepts. This scientific article investigates cyberspace phenomena and geopolitical studies using qualitative methods, particularly case study writing techniques. The author contends that geopolitics in cyberspace has no borders, based on the findings of this article's analysis. To avoid cyber conflicts, states must make cyberspace their political domain. Geopolitical rivalries between states in cyberspace can have real-world consequences. One of them is the use of technology to suppress other states' geopolitical policies. Because cyberspace is infinite, the state must develop governance so that the potential for cyber conflicts does not have physical consequences for the country's geopolitics. Given that almost all dynamics of state life have been integrated into information technology, the author concludes that cyberspace should be considered one of a state's geopolitical areas

    The Impact of Covid-19 Towards Human Security

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    The emergence of coronavirus at the end of 2019 caused the world to fall into a global pandemic. It cannot be denied that the phenomenon of the Covid-19 pandemic caused a downturn in the global economy. The threat of the Covid-19 pandemic has endangered social aspects and has also destabilized the political and economic life of all countries. Covid-19 has an impact on human security around the world. The concept of human security essentially emphasizes human freedom from fear. Through the concept of human security, this article seeks to explain how people are classified as vulnerable objects. Their lives could be threatened by Covid-19. The author uses a qualitative methodology with case study techniques to address this issue. The analysis in this article shows that poor, undernourished people who do not have access to sanitation and health services live in densely populated areas and people with comorbidities are particularly vulnerable to exposure to Covid-19. The conclusion of this research is that the government needs to give priority to these vulnerable communities. They are the entities that need to be protected from the threat posed by Covid-19.AbstrakMunculnya virus corona di penghujung tahun 2019 menyebabkan dunia terjerumus ke dalam pandemi global. Tak bisa dipungkiri, fenomena pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan perlambatan ekonomi global. Ancaman pandemi Covid-19 telah membahayakan aspek sosial dan juga mengguncang kehidupan politik dan ekonomi semua negara. Covid-19 berdampak pada keamanan manusia di seluruh dunia. Konsep keamanan manusia pada dasarnya menekankan kebebasan manusia dari rasa takut. Melalui konsep human security, artikel ini berusaha menjelaskan bagaimana manusia diklasifikasikan sebagai objek yang rentan. Hidup mereka bisa terancam oleh Covid-19. Penulis menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan teknik studi kasus untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Analisis dalam artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa orang miskin dan kurang gizi yang tidak memiliki akses ke sanitasi dan layanan kesehatan tinggal di daerah padat penduduk dan orang dengan penyakit penyerta sangat rentan terhadap paparan Covid-19. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pemerintah perlu memberikan prioritas kepada masyarakat rentan tersebut. Mereka adalah entitas yang perlu dilindungi oleh pemerintah dari ancaman Covid-19


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    Novel Coronavirus, commonly known as Covid-19, is a new type of viral species that has been discovered in China during November 2019. As of recent, Covid-19 has been a threat and a threat to the humans. Based on research performed by scientists, the coronavirus is a type of virus that can be transmitted to humans from wild animals. The first person infected with a virus is expected to appear in the city of Wuhan, China. Initially, Covid-19 was only endemic.  Given the fact that so many people are infected with this virus, the WHO declared it a global pandemic. The Covid-19 phenomenon has gained prominence despite the danger that it presents to human life. The aim of this article is to analyze Covid-19 in the perspective of security studies. The author uses securitization concept to describe the Covid-19 phenomenon. The author used qualitative analysis methods. The author claims that the Covid-19 securitization process encourages state actors to define it as one of threat that needs to be overcame. Owing to variations in the securitization process between countries, the results are different among states. However, at one point, nation-state treated Covid-19 as a challenge to be solved. In the end, state actors need to strengthen their capabilities to stop the pandemic threat's pace.Novel Coronavirus atau yang lazim disebut dengan Covid-19 merupakan jenis virus baru yang pertama kali muncul di Tiongkok pada bulan November 2019. Semenjak kemunculannya tersebut, Covid-19 telah menjelma menjadi sebuah ancaman terhadap manusia dan telah merenggut banyak jiwa. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para ilmuwan, virus corona ini merupakan jenis virus yang bersifat zoonosis. Sebuah virus yang menular dari hewan ke manusia yang diprediksi muncul pertama kali di sebuah pasar di Wuhan, Tiongkok. Pada awalnya, Covid-19 hanya bersifat endemik. Namun seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah manusia yang terinfeksi virus ini, World Health Organization (WHO) memutuskan Covid-19 sebagai wabah pandemi global. Fenomena Covid-19 telah menarik sejumlah studi karena kemunculannya mengancam nyawa manusia. Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk meneliti fenomena Covid-19 dari perspektif studi keamanan. Penulis menggunakan konsep sekuritisasi untuk menjelaskan fenomena Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Penulis menganalisis bahwa proses sekuritisasi Covid-19 mendorong negara untuk menetapkannya menjadi sebuah ancaman. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa proses sekuritisasi di antara negara-negara berbeda satu sama lain. Namun pada satu titik, negara-negara sepakat bahwa Covid-19 merupakan ancaman yang harus ditanggulangi. Pada akhirnya, aktor negara perlu memperkuat kapabilitasnya untuk menghentikan laju ancaman pandemi tersebut


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    Textbook is one of the teaching materials that most widely used by students and also influential on improving the quality of learning. This study was conducted to determine the achievement of criteria for instructional materials according to 4S TMD (4 Step Teaching Material Development) methods at the selection stage, on atomic structure section in 10th grade of high school textbooks chemistry (author of A publisher D) that most widely used in high school at Bandung. The research method in this study is descriptive qualitative method. There are three criteria for good teaching materials according to the 4S TMD methods. The first criterion is “Scope In Accordance with the Demands of Curriculum” that can be known by analyzing the immensity and profundity of the material. Based on analysis of the immensity of the material, it is known that the immensity of the atomic structure materials is not in accordance with the demands of the curriculum. This is because the atomic structure atom materials are delivered nine topics that are not required, and there is one less extensive knowledge expressed. Then based on the analysis of the profundity of the material, it is known that the profundity of the atomic structure of the material is also not in accordance with the demands of the curriculum. This is because there are two topics that are having high profundity in the atomic structure of materials. Furthermore, the second criterion is “Validity of the Concept”, known by analyzing the validity of the concept. The results of this analysis indicate that not all of the concepts on the atomic structure materials scientifically correct. This is because there are two concepts that are improper. Finally, the third criterion is to instill the values, determined by analysis of value investment. Based on the analysis of value investment, discovered that there is one value embedded in the atomic structure materials which is “religious value”. Keywords: Textbook, Atomic Structure, 4S TMD, Immensity and Profundity of Materials, Validity of Concept, Value Investment. Buku teks pelajaran adalah salah satu bentuk bahan ajar yang paling banyak digunakan siswa serta berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan kualitas suatu pembelajaran. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ketercapaian kriteria bahan ajar yang baik menurut metode 4S TMD (4 Step Teaching Material Development) pada tahap seleksi, pada materi struktur atom dalam buku teks pelajaran kimia SMA/MA kelas X (penulis A penerbit D) yang paling banyak digunakan di SMA Negeri se-Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Terdapat tiga kriteria bahan ajar yang baik menurut metode 4S TMD. Kriteria pertama yakni kesesuaian dengan Kurikulum, kebenaran ilmiah, dan penanaman nilai-nilai (value). Hasilnya diketahui, bahwa keluasan materi struktur atom belum sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam materi struktur atom disampaikan 9 topik yang tidak dituntut, serta terdapat 1 pengetahuan yang dinyatakan kurang luas. Kemudian berdasarkan analisis kedalaman materi, diketahui bahwa kedalaman materi struktur atom juga belum sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum. Hal ini dikarenakan terdapat 2 topik yang terlalu dalam pada materi struktur atom. Hasil analisis kriteria Kebenaran Konsep, diketahui dengan melakukan analisis kebenaran konsep. Hasil analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa belum semua konsep pada materi struktur atom benar secara keilmuan. Hal ini dikarenakan terdapat 2 konsep yang dinyatakan kurang tepat. Sedangkan kriteria penanaman nilai-nilai, diketahui dengan melakukan analisis penanaman nilai. Berdasarkan analisis penanaman nilai, ditemukan satu nilai yang ditanamkan pada materi struktur atom yaitu nilai religius. Kata kunci: Buku Teks Pelajaran, Struktur Atom, 4S TMD, Keluasan dan Kedalaman Materi, Kebenaran Konsep, Penanaman Nilai


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    inflasi merupakan dimana masalah keuangan atau harga yang menaik dengan persentase diatas 10% setiap tahunya jika hal itu terjadi maka akan banyak pengangguran yang terjadi dan dalam hal ini masih sangat untuk di pecahkan, peran pemerintah dan ivestor sangat berpengaruh dalam hal in
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